Monday, January 11, 2010


The year 2010 has started in the best possible way for poker lovers, because on the fifth of January started one of the great poker tournaments of this year: the Pokerstars Caribbean Adventure 2010 that will arrive at its end today at the Atlantis Resort of Paradise Poker.

This year edition beat a new record of participation, with a total of 1.529 players taking place on the first tournament day. At the end of this day, the British Wayne Benteley probed his ability with the cards and finish in first position with a total of 329.500 accumulated points, closely followed by Amnan Filippi.

From the 1.529 players that started the tournament, only 884 managed to pass to the second day, at the end of which another British was the leader. In this occasion it was Praz Bansi, who accumulated a total of 960.800 points.

The final table of this prestigious poker tournament will be disputed today, and the winner will bring home a fantastic cash prize of more than 2 million dollars. This table will be formed by 8 players, and from them, Ryan ´Golfa´ de´Angelo is the one who has more accumulated points, with a total of 1.090.000.

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